Welcome to Form.

“A compilation of creative ideation from the University of Arkansas School of Art Graphic Design Seniors. FORM is our gift to you and we hope that it is able to transform, reform, and inform all of those who make contact with it.”

Form took place in the University of Arkansas Fine Arts Building on May 5th through May 8th of 2021.


Form was intended to be a creative space that occupied both physical and digital platforms that would display our final design projects, to achieve that the 27 of us split into groups i.e. project managers, branding, website/digital, event planning, and communications. I lead up the event planning team that consisted of Anna-Faith Pearson, Jonny Mocek, Vivian Floyd, Marilena Cenobio, and Maddy Ward. Together we planned and conducted the physical event. 

The show was a multi level event housed in four of the graphic design studios that presented 3 categories: Transform, Inform, and Reform, each hosting 9 seniors and their final projects. 

I like to think of this show a love song to the Graphic Design class of 2021, our senior year was tough as shit.  Going from a highly interactive and collaborative in person studio environment to online classes where interactions were limited due to the dynamic of zoom, thus presenting some difficult times for the 27 of us and our teachers.  Thankfully our class was filled with brilliant minds and we faced all the obstacles head on, what we went through together taught us some incredible lessons and we were able to produce an amazing send off for ourselves, teachers, family, friends, etc…

Thank you to all who supported us 🧡

the end.


quarantine nostalgia


party smartly